Thursday, July 9, 2009

Admiral Ackbar

From Wookiepedia:

"Ackbar commanded the Rebel Alliance Fleet personally at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. When it was discovered that his fleet had been led into a trap, Ackbar planned to retreat, lacking a contingency plan. His caution was due to the belief that the loss of the Rebel fleet would sound the death knell of the Alliance.

Already hit hard after the loss of their main base on Hoth, the fleet was the last major Rebel asset. However, Ackbar instead opted to take the advice of Lando Calrissian and engage the Imperial fleet at close range. As the gambler turned general helped coordinate the fighters, Ackbar's large capital warships began a deadly point blank range fight with the Imperial fleet."

Is that a period joke?

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