Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Facebook status

BabyHuey only in California would the city be asked to pay for a billionaire's funeral.

just got back from Taste of Chicago, which tasted great of course. Robinson's Ribs, some Lou Mal's deep dish pizza and some Eli's Cheesecake. Rock!!!!!!!! To everyone back in LA, enjoy your raw fish and grain or whatever you eat there.

went to a local hometown Northbrook bar last night, it was a nice change of pace from Los Angeles bars; no bitter bouncers screaming at you for your ID, no bratty bartenders ignoring you when you just want a beer, no lame DJ pretending to actually do stuff while the song sounds exactly the same as normal, no 12 dollar drinks, no bouncers screaming at everyone to get out a half hour before closing.

* Actual profile picture. Okay, not really.

** For all the shit this person talks on Los Angeles, he/she lives there.

Is that a period joke?

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