Thursday, July 9, 2009

New binary star discovery

From Science Express via io9:

Binary Star Discovery Allows Scientists To Detect Invisible "Gravity Waves"
"...Most simulations of the early universe, in which clouds of primordial gas collapsed to form the first luminous objects, suggest that early stars formed separately from each other. Matthew Turk and colleagues now show that it is possible for single primordial clouds to break up into two dense cores.

The authors' three-dimensional calculations followed the evolution of primordial gas and dark matter, starting from conditions that are likely to have existed in the early universe. The results suggest that these cores may evolve to form binary star systems.

These findings may also have implications for detecting both gravity waves — disturbances predicted by general relativity, which haven't yet been detected directly — and the ultra-energetic explosions known as gamma ray bursts, since binary systems are thought to be at the origins of both of these phenomena."

Is that a period joke?

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